University of Madras has invited applications for admission to ML degree course in the following branches under Private Study (Non semester) during the academic year 2012-2013 in the Department of Legal Studies.
I. International Law and Constitutional Law
II. Business Law
III. Criminal Law
IV. Property Law
V. Intellectual Property Law
VI. Human Rights and Environmental Law
VII. Labour and Administrative Law
A pass in BL / LLB, from a recognized University under regular pattern (10+2+3+3) or (11+1+3+3) of study.
Submission of filled in application :
Candidates desiring to register for ML Degree Course for private appearance shall register on or before 30th November 2012 in the prescribed application form together with the prescribed fee of Rs.15,000/- in the form of Demand Draft, drawn in favour of the Registrar, University of Madras along with BL / LLB / Provisional / Degree Certificate in original and Photo copies of Certificates(attested by Gazetted Officer).
In case of candidates who have qualified for BL / LLB, Degree from other than University of Madras should pay a Recognition fee of Rs.250/- and Matricula fee of Rs.50/- as the case may be in addition to the above fees.
Completed applications are to reach University of Madras, Centenary Building, Chepauk, Chennai - 600005 on or before 30.11.2012.
Law PG Madras University 2012
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6:02:00 AM
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