Indian Law Institute Diploma are recognized?

 Labour Law Diploma is recognized by the Government of India for recruitment to the post of Labour Officers. The Diploma in Corporate Laws and Management is recognized by the Government of India for Jobs as Company Secretaries in Companies having paid-up share capital of less than Rupees fifty lakhs.
The Diploma in Tax Law has been designed to enable the diploma holders to take up consultancy/advisory work in relation to tax laws; to improve employment potential and for those already employed, to open up an avenue of specialization. The course is also planned to enable the diploma holder to take up practice of tax law. This will of course be subject to the recognition the receives from CBDT.
Minimum qualification for admission Courses except in Labour Law is a graduate degree of a recognized Indian University or an equivalent degree of a foreign university. Other things being equal preference is given to law graduates. The minimum requirement for admission to the Diploma course in Labour Law is that candidates should either have a law degree or M.A with second division.
   The Defence Service Officers holding graduate degree of an Indian University or an equivalent degree of a foreign university are considered for admission to the Diploma Course in Labour provided they are sponsored by the Directorate of Resettlement, Ministry of Defence, and Government of India.
Reservation: 15 per cent seats are reserved for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes provided the candidates fulfill the minimum qualifications laid down admission, and produce a certificate from the competent authority that they belong to such a caste or tribe.
Attendance (a) Attendance is compulsory. If a candidates fails to attend 60 per cent of the total lectures delivered, he is not permitted to take the examination, provided the Director in his discretion may, in special cases, condone shortfall to the extent of 5 per cent of the total lectures delivered
(b) The signature of student in the attendance sheet must be the same as in the admission from

Indian Law Institute Diploma are recognized? Indian Law Institute Diploma are recognized? Reviewed by traveller on 10:42:00 PM Rating: 5

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